I recommend...

Hi guys!

There are many things I've tried recently and I think you should try them as well.

Here we go.

I recommend...

Sunday brunch with friends. Everybody brings something, you get yourself way too full, then go on talking about everything under the sun., until you feel like you can have a third piece of cake.

Frozen yogurt... especially Yoli in Berlin. You get to choose as many toppings as they can fit in the cup. And oh how they try to fit as many as possible to please you. Bless them.

Nail polish with sprinkles. Thanks to the sprinkles you get nice looking nails while balancing both your laptop and the nail polish bottle on your belly and watching Big Bang Theory at the same time. Blindfolded. Okay not the last one but the it was dark. 

Balancing things on your belly brings me to recommending to see the bright side of things. See, the balancing wouldn't be as easy on the abs I was expecting to have around this time. All stiff an uneven as abs are.

The nail polish is Like "Sweets way" from nails inc.
Let it be. Or don't. "Let it be" is the new vegan café at Neukölln. They serve sweet and salty crepes, sandwiches, cakes and hamburgers. 

Sales. It's on baby!! My sale shopping was spontaneous and rewarding. I was mainly excited about the sales at Sandro, my favourite shop. 

Sandro, Sandro, Filippa K + the necklace 2nd hand
World Press Photo exhibition. It features the award-winning photographs from the World Press Photo Contest for press photography. This gives a good overview for what happened in 2013. Although most of the images are quite shocking and sad... You can see it in over 40 countries. It's on now in Berlin at Willy-Brandt-haus in Kreuzberg until July 3rd.

Trying out plant based diet. This has been on my mind for a while and after so many people recommended it to me, I finally rented "Forks over knives" from iTunes. It's a documentary that explains in a pretty convincing way why you should eat plant based diet... for your health, all the ethical matters being a good side effect of it.


  1. Saturday brunch sounds lovely <3. Love your Mickey Mouse sweatshirt Marjaana, it's adorable :) !

    I really liked Forks over Knives, I'm obsessed with food documentaries, could really watch them for days. Vegucated, Food.Inc and Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead are also few of my favorites.

    My beauty and lifestyle blog

    1. Thanks Paula, the sweater is perfect for sundays ;-)

      I've never heard of Vegucated and Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead has been on my "To see -list" for a long time! Food Inc. Was really good! Thanks for the tips ;)

  2. Moikka! :)

    Löysin sun ihanan blogin kun googlailin Berliiniin ja Zalandoon liittyviä juttuja. Mä olen tulossa sinne teidän osastolle harkkariksi syyskuussa enkä malta odottaa, että pääsen tutustumaan kaupunkiin ja uuteen työpaikkaan paremmin :) Eli syyskuussa sitten nähdään! -Milka

    1. Moi Milka! Joo me jo ootellaanki sua ;-). Berliini on huikee kaupunki ja pääset työskenteleen parhaassa tiimissä, vaik ite sanonki, heheee :-D. Laita mailia jos tarvit apua/vinkkejä käytännön asioiden hoitamises (alanko.marjaana6@gmail.com). Hauskaa kesää!


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