Berlin fashion week: FIER vitrine AW14/15

Hi guys!

Berlin fashion week is on and some of my colleagues and me decided to join a  fashion event "Fier" in Kreuzberg. It was an exhibition party where new fashion designers were presenting their collections. The atmosphere was party-like with the DJ and a bar, people mingling while looking or at least trying to look like belonging there :D. My and many other's favourite was label Laurus by Olga Lavrinenko. She had very cool zipper details in her designs! We were happy to notice that the clothes were actually made in Finland! After chatting with the friendly designer, Olga, and her so-called "assistant" we found out that they were Russians living in Finland. You can check out Laurus here.

Afterwards we headed to Markthalle Neun. On Thursday's they have this "Street food Thursday" with food from all over the world. Everything looked delicious. It was crowded but definitely worth it anyways!

Have a great weekend!

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