2013 Review

Hi guys!

Few days left of 2013, what a great year it has been ;).


The year started in Austria where I was skiing(=snowboarding). I also celebrated my friend's and my birthday with a bunch of friends. My dear friends Pave, Elina and Anniina threw me a surprise-farewell party because after spending three months in Finland finishing my courses super speed, I was heading back to Berlin. They gave me a beautiful bracelet saying "Penzez de moi" in old french and I have worn it ever since, ohop! That's dedication my friends. I started to write my thesis in January and I was busy organizing my move to Berlin.


I moved back to Berlin! I didn't know this back then, but the same weekend I arrived there I had my first and last party until end of May...the reason was thesis. Me and Ben continued our distance relationship as before. Once a month I took a train to Würzburg and once a month he came to Berlin. 


Thesis, thesis...Thesis. I flew to Finland for Easter holidays and to meet my professor. Thesis was proceeding well and I decided to write until I'm 100 % happy with it ;D. I also started to do Yoga in my current place during this time, that kept me sane...


Was there April? With a little Facebook- research I found out that this was when I started to gather respondents for the survey of my thesis. As boring as it is, I think thesis was all I did the whole month, besides work..It seems that I was also sick :D. Not the most exiting month.


Ben's and mine attempt to make traditional 1st of may buns, even after we ran out of sugar and had to use powder sugar. I was trying to follow ice hockey world championships, but Finland didn't do that good this year. And the highlight of the month: a one week trip to Barcelona with my best of the bestest friends! 


 I consider June was the month that my social life restarted after the thesis :p. 150 pages later I had finally finished it! In the beginning of the month I went to Finland to join Isla-niece's 1 year birthday party and to present my thesis and to do the maturity test. My professor promised the best grade and I headed to buy a bottle of champagne. I met my friends by the see and celebrated! The weather was perfect and  I felt so relieved and happy. Later in the evening I saw a BEAR! I consider this day the best day of the summer ;D. Me and Ben celebrated Ben's birthday and my graduation with a trip to Lybeck and Ostsee and ate in a michelin star restaurant called Restaurant Wullenwever. I was so nervous my hands were sweating there, haha! We also had my sister's bachelor party so I flew to Finland for the second time in one month! Oh, and I almost forgot we also celebrated midsummer in the nordic midsummer party in Berlin :). A busy month it was but a good one!


Jenni's and Mika's wedding meant it was time to fly to Finland again! Right after their wedding they visited me in Berlin and at the end of the month Heini visited me. I went to lakes and outdoor swimming pools, visited a barbie house with Adela and ate brunch out every weekend.


The highlight of the month; Ben moved in with me in Berlin! The disappointment of the month; I couldn't go to sauna festival in Finland because a holiday block at work :(. At the same time we were understaffed in our team and this kept me busy. In August I went to Holi festival in Berlin. While I was sick at the end of the month I started my blog :D. This time I had neither a phone or a camera so I only found this one pic from Holi festival. 


In September Ben and me went to Dresden and hiking in Saxon Switzerland. I went to see David Guetta for free and we also saw Finnish band Apulanta. Both of the gigs were great! I was cooking a lot and started to lid candles every chance I got.


October was completely meatless. We had Finnish team event in Berlin's little "Octoberfest". After over two months of working understuffed the situation finally relieved and I got Taija back to our 2-girls-team. At the same time I headed with my family to Los Alcazares, in shouth of Spain. The holiday couldn't have been better positioned, I couldn't have handled a day more ;P. I also went to Copenhagen with Ben for the weekend.


In November the party season started! There was a house warming party, Danish pre-christmas-glög-shots-party, no reason parties and finally Zalando's Cristmas party. We also started to go to Christmas markets and saw a basket ball game.


Christmas market, shopping for christmas presents, fairy lights, carols...more parties! There was finnish independence day party, nordic party, birthday party before I headed for my holidays on 19th. My liver had its rest until 25th when I met with my high school friends. Tomorrow there's a NYE party. Ben and me are heading to Vaasa to spend it with my friends there. Great month!

That's it. My 2013.I hope your was good as well and you'll have even better 2014!

Holiday greetings

Ho ho ho :D

I hope you all had a great Christmas! I've been quite busy meeting my friends and my little niece and trying to show Ben the ultimate Finnish Christmas experience. It has been raining all the time which doesn't help to set the mood much :D. 

Christmas eve was nice as always, the smoked turkey was the highlight of the dinner again. The day included sauna, eating (...lots of it, the last "dinner" was at 2am...), playing with my niece and her new toys. I even got few gifts! Mainly books, make up and skin care products and from Ben I got tickets to opera in Berlin. Good stuff :). My gift to Ben is a 3-day trip after NYE to place X, he'll find it out then ;). But probably the most exiting gift I gave with my older sister for our younger sister Juulia. It was a gift card abroad with us during Easter time and it only included a hint about the destination ;)... Here's the first hint first in Finnish and then clumsily translated into English, but don't you try to make me rhyme it :D. I got tips for the hint even from my colleague so it's well thought although annoyingly general :p.

  • Kun maailmankatsomustasi haluat avartaa, tänne kätevästi lentokoneella hurauttaa. Se on muista niin irrallaan, että sitä melkein voisi kutsua saareksi ihan kiusallaan. Puhunko maasta, kaupungista vai maanosasta? Sen sanon, että siellä voi myös surfata! Sinne miljoonia turisteja vuodessa matkustaa, koska tätä paikkaa ei kerta kaikkiaan voi vastustaa. Mikä on paikan viehätys? Ei ainakaan kierrätys! Puhunkohan ihan huttua, jos sanon että siellä saattaa asua myös tuttuja?
  • Whenever you want to broaden your worldview, you can easily catch a plane here. It's so separated from the others that you could almost call it an island. Am I talking about country, city or continent? I can tell you this much; you can also surf there! Millions of tourists travel there each year because you simply cannot resist this place. What is the charm of this place? At least not recycling! Am I talking absolutely nonsense if I say that there might live also some acquaintances?
  • Any guesses ;D?

My Christmas presents...missing a few

On Christmas day I met with my high school friends. We had a lot to catch up and therefore also Ben got a good Finnish lesson while listening our babbling. I'm afraid it was hard to understand since it was hardly recognizable as Finnish anymore due to our strong accent :D.

Maybe these two pics capture the evening best :D Anita was the photographer and if i recall right she said; "My brother has the same camera, I can use this!"....oh well... :D

Ben, Juulia, Feetu the dog and me also made a trip to this little hut in the middle of the forest to grill some sausages and make s'mores. If you don't know what s'more is: basically u melt chocolate on a cookie and then grill a marshmellow on top of it and put another cookie on top and Voilà! God, it's good! This forest is full of all kinds of animals from moose to lynx but we weren't lucky enough to see any.

I look like a fat pink boy scout, but bare in mind this is my Teuva-look

The plate is eating Juulia

We also spent Saturday with my lovely niece, Isla. First we went to see her kindergarten and then we ate some pizza and took care of her when Jenni and Mika went to see a movie. True quality time with Isla :)

We have also seen a basket ball game, been to movies, cooked and baked, done some shopping and seen also other friends than presented in the images ;). Luckily we still have one week ahead! I hope I also have some time to read! I've only managed to finish one book, Lev Grossman's "The magicians". It's about Quentin Coldwater who is accepted to a college to become a magician. I recommend it to anyone who fancies fantasy, but do not expect Harry Potter in the early days -kind of lightness ;).

Have a great New Years guys! Me and my sister are planning to film some video(s) which I without hesitation will post here if we come around to it.

Finnish Independence day...The Berlin style

Hi guys!

In 6th of December, last Friday, the lucky Finns (the ones living in Finland) had a day off because of our independence day. We - the Berlin Finns - had to work as normal. Me and couple of colleagues left work early to see the Presidents "party". My colleague's parents were invited so of course we had to see them arriving to the venue. We also prepared a dinner and baked some traditional Finnish Christmas pastries (joulutorttuja). Later in the evening we also had the Nordic Zalando Christmas party. The theme was Great Gatsby and I was very excited to cover myself with glitter, sequins, feathers and pearls :p. I was a bit lazy to take pictures but luckily my friend's husband was there with his fancy camera to take some ;).

Haul video from Spain

Hi Guys!

So I filmed this Autumn haul/lookbook/whatever video in Spain a long time ago (ok technically it was my sister who filmed it) and also edited it while back. I wasn't sure if i want to post it but here I find myself posting it anyways :D aha! So me and my sister went shopping in Torrevieja and I went a bit crazy since normally I just buy all my stuff online. I wanted to try out all of them and film it so here you go ;).

It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye

Hi guys!

The title of this post is a bit more dramatic translation to the Finnish expression "Itku pitkästä ilosta". I'm of course referring to my nice weekend after which I got sick :P.

On Friday we had Zalando's Christmas party. Me and couple of colleagues went to my place beforehand to take a powernap, eat a quick snack and to change and prepare for the night. The theme of the party was Noël en blanc and therefore the dress code was to wear something white. The party was great :)!

"Found from the phone"

On Saturday I woke up with barely no voice and a headache (I blame the hairband I was wearing :p). Anyways me and Ben had a nice brunch and in the evening we went to Lucia Christmas market at Kulturbrauerei. I was especially enthusiastic about this one because I knew they had some Finnish mulled wine and poronkäristys (which is kind of a reindeer stew with mashed potatoes and lingonberries). I filmed a short video (well of course I did). Excuse my voice there...

Sunday was very relaxed. We ate a nice breakfast at home, watched movies and read. Btw, I recommend Monster university as a Sunday movie, very entertaining :). I was feeling a bit under the weather and my throat was still sore but in order to feel productive I went to gym. Ssooo today I woke up with even worse throat ache and I had to stay home. But I feel better now.

Anyways it was a very nice weekend and I'm starting to feel quite Christmassy ;).

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